Friday, April 22, 2011

So Perfectly Silly

I'd promised myself, when I started this blog, that I would refrain from turning it into a "What Annoyed Beth Today?" montage.  So far, I think I'm doing quite well.  Considering a lot of things annoy me.

I've recently been able to (after plenty of cursing and a lot of frustratingly difficult clicking of 'Read More') copy, paste and save all of my old myspace blog entries.  Looking through them and reminiscing over the hours it took for me to establish the safety of each and every one, I began to realize that most of them were somewhat unworthy of the time, both of saving and of re-reading.  I won't say they were unworthy of my time back when I originally composed them.  They were obviously of an enormous help to me in releasing the pent-up steam that was probably a result of hanging out of a drive-thru window more than I was not.

I love to complain.  But it's a delicate effect to be angry and yet self-deprecating enough to compose a true piece of, not self-righteous whining, but relatable grievances.  Some of my older myspace entries could do with a little cheese with their whine. With the advent of this blog, I've tried to stick to simple reviews of my experience with various books, tv, movies, life.  What I would have done a few years ago might consist of negative ridiculing that would serve only to bring people together in the name of pessimism.  While that's all well and good for a 17 year old, or a 24 year old who works with 17 year olds, I've felt an increasing nudge to grow up; to refrain from taking out my aggressive reactions to unfortunate circumstances on my keyboard.

Hence, my last blog about the problem with message boards.  I've made a conscientious effort to keep away from emotionally debilitating triggers but with a sudden discovery about The Hunger Games movie, I felt it was super important to get myself over to imdb.  How hard should it be to keep my eyes above the danger line; that is, to stay far above the FAQs and the recommendations?  It's like I can't help myself.  I have to know what people are talking about.  I will admit that I do fall into that category of people who thrive on setting others aright.  It's not that I particularly love to find discrepancies with others' comments (I do) but I enjoy setting the record straight. However, I despise any follow-up sentence that starts with the long-drawn-out-in-a-tone-as-if-to-say-I'm-sorry-to-tell-you-this-even-though-I'm-relishing-every-moment, "Aaaactuallyyyyy. . ." so I'm definitely not "one of those."  Nobody likes a know-it-all.  Nobody likes a know-it-all who knows they are a know-it-all and doesn't apologize for it.  And there is no know-it-all who doesn't know they know-it-all.  That would be ludicrous.

I'm a trivia-hound.  I know so many things that don't matter.  It's embarrassing.  That doesn't mean that's all I am and all I have to share.  If it was, it'd be even more embarrassing.  Oh.  Was that a cruel and negative judgment?

In positive news, The Hunger Games is slowly being cast.  I've been keeping my eye on it.  Jennifer Lawrence from Winter's Bone has been cast as Katniss.  I didn't see Winter's Bone, unless you count the thousands of clips leading up to and played during the Academy Awards.  She's pretty good at mumbling through a face full of blood so. . .I'm sold.

Josh Hutcherson of Bridge to Terabithia, The Kids Are Alright, Zathura fame will be playing Peeta.  I can see it.  Of course, I couldn't keep away from the message boards.  There are some rousing threads both For and Against this poor young man.  Either For because some creep girls wanna jump his bones or Against because they've been dreaming, just DREAMING, of who would be the most perfect, greatest, nobody-else-can-do-it-or-I'll-just-DIE idea for how Peeta should appear on the big screen.  It's so perfectly silly.

Liam Hemsworth, who is basically an unknown other than his role in The Last Song with Miley Cyrus, will be Gale.  I have no opinion to offer here as I've only seen pictures of the dude.  Not exactly what I had in mind.  But I'm not tearing my hair out and threatening to boycott the movie.  I will see it.  I will pick it apart.  But I'm absolutely certain that I will enjoy it for what it will be, the translation of a written novel turned live moving picture.  It will be different.  And I will pay $9 to find out.  So will everyone else.  But I guess it's fun for awhile to rent a soap box and pretend to care about something that, in actuality, does not matter.  Like. . .at all.


  1. But when other people are interested in what you have to say...doesn't that mean it does matter somewhat? Cuz I care!

  2. I was talking mostly about the people who argue over silly frivolous things. Like whether a movie's going to be good or not, based on who was chosen to play whom. Hehe. They got the job so. . .it's done, it's over. You can express disappointment but it doesn't have to turn into a days-long debate. Because. . .it's not a debate. They've GOT the part, haha.

  3. "What I would have done a few years ago might consist of negative ridiculing that would serve only to bring people together in the name of pessimism."

    Uhm, Beastie... This is still me.. and I also happen to be 24, so please don't hate me for being someone you don't want to be! :D

  4. Haha, oh beastie. Of course I love you and all your hatred of things that suck. :) I'll leave the heavy complaining up to you. I just wasn't impressed by my personal complaints, blog-wise, throughout the past few years. Just turning a new leaf, my young friend. Yaaaay, new leaves!!! I'll still complain every once in awhile, I just don't want this blog to be the same-old, same-old for me. :)

